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-Historical Author-
Tonya Ulynn Brown

Tonya Ulynn Brown
Tonya is a writer who loves ancient, medieval and early modern British history. She has a particular interest in anything to do with Scotland, and you will find that influences a lot of what she writes about. She enjoys writing historical fiction, and also blogs about historical figures, places and customs, mainly focusing on 16th century Europe. She's not above throwing some American history in every now and then as well.
She holds a Master's degree in Teaching and is an elementary school teacher. Writing fills a good bit of her time when she is not at school or running her boys to a marching band event or some other activity.
Tonya lived in Minsk, Belarus when she was younger and taught English as a second language. Having even less aptitude for reading Russian than she had for speaking it, she took to looking up topics on her Encarta CD-ROM to read, since going to the library was not an option. Her topics of study? The U.S. presidents and the kings and queens of England. Tonya attributes this time of study to the beginning of her love for British history, but she didn't realize her love for writing until many years later.
Tonya now finds inspiration in the historical figures she has studied and in the places she has traveled. She resides in rural southeastern Ohio, USA with her husband, two sons, and a fur baby.
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